Sunday, 24 April 2011


David and I both enjoy the music and rapport that Andre Rieu and His Johann Strauss Orchestra have with the audience. When we said last year we were booking tickets for Birmingham LG Arena for Good Friday, David's sister Mandy and her husband Glyn wanted to join us.

Returning from staying with them for a couple of days in Bridgnorth, catching up with housework, gardening and now my emails, I am sitting typing this evening for my blog, David turned on the TV to find Andre Rieu in Concert on Sky !!!

What a wonderful Bank Holiday weekend and still one day left to go .......... hopefully a bit of crafting in there somewhere tomorrow. However, if it is hot and sunny the Goldwing Trike will no doubt be out for a spin somewhere. Since last season, I need a bit of a refresher before we drive it to the south of France on holiday.


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