Wednesday, 1 January 2014


Morning crafters & welcome !
Those of you who are close to me will be aware I have had several challenges over the last 18-months, the latter part of 2013 in particular. 
One piece of sad news last year, brought a different perspective for me.  My sister and I grew up on a farm, and together with the adjoining farms, meant six girls and no boys to continue the three farms. Sadly, one of the girls passed away suddenly last year, aged just 49-yrs. 
Being the same age, this had a big impact that changed my outlook on life, as none of us know what is round the corner. 
2014 is a BIG year for me and I intend to make it a special one.  David and I are really looking forward to celebrating my 50th birthday this summer with a Caribbean Cruise.  Our airport hotel the night before, our house and cat sitter were all booked too with initially 11-months to wait, I'm pleased to say is now drawing closer.  
Planning ahead for my 50th year, I began setting myself many challenges to achieve during 2014. 
I have ongoing lists on my iPad, constantly being updated, in preparation of what I would like to achieve this year.  Working full time, my crafting time has almost always been mainly for my classes and with no 'ME' time, to relax and enjoy my hobby, not just as a small business.  
With this in mind, I set about making a list of new crafts to try, ones I wanted to resurrect and things that interested and/or challenged me.  This, together with other things I want to achieve, complete etc, list is long (someone asked if I was planning to live until I was 300yrs old !!) and although I have roughly allocated one new craft challenge per month, I am allowing myself 'creative licence' to move these around to fit in with life in general.  
I will also be making time to scrapbook this special year.  Please feel free to check in with me later in the year to see how it is going and to keep me on track. 
Here's to more blogging in 2014 than previous years :-)
Happy craftin'

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