So here it is ... the list of items retiring from the current catalogue and mini catalogue to make way for the new BIGGER catalogue launching on 1st October.
There are 7 pages of items for you to browse, many of which have 25% and 50% discounts. Unfortunately I cannot manage to get it uploaded here. Anyone wishing for me to post or email to you, please contact me.

As a Demo, we get a chance to see the catalogue online and yes, I can confirm it is bigger at 118 pages and loads more stash to collect. There are many more punches and we also have clear mounted stamps which are cheaper and take up less storeage. There is mixed feeling on these but I will be able to show you some of each come 1st October so you can make up your own minds.
.Please give me a call on 07806 616704 or email sroberts07@btinternet.com to place an order or book a party and reep the benefits.
. Happy shopping.
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