This afternoon I caught up with a dear friend whom I think I first met at the first ever European Convention that was held in Frankfurt, November 2009. I am lucky to have been able to attend all three European Conventions and am already looking forward to the 4th one this November.
Dawn from Aberdeenshire remembers me sitting the bar and showing her and a few other demos how to make folded Christmas trees with Designer Series Paper.
Although we don’t get to catch up very often, Dawn has been a bit of a distant ‘mentor’ to me down here in Norfolk, giving me support along my Stampin’ Up! journey. Being part of Stampin’ Up! team of Independent Demonstrators, is extremely rewarding and Demonstrators have the opportunity to earn many rewards along their individual journeys.
The highlight of the year, is an all expenses paid Grand Holiday. I would love to be part of one of these Stampin’ Up! trips however I recognise that working full time, I feel it will be a tall order for me to achieve this. I am not one to be defeated but today Dawn has encouraged me that I am heading towards the half way mark already …. I have another 5-months to achieve this huge goal !!!
Having worked extremely hard during the first few months of this year, particularly during Sale-A-Bration, I earned some wonderful rewards for both sales and recruiting being able to choose many stamp sets free of charge from the new Mini. I set myself some goals / personal targets for the first three months of the year. The first is one I have been chasing for some time to get over the £10,000 in annual personal sales. The 2nd and 3rd were to sign up 3 recruits and to achieve my Silver 2 promotion. I am pleased to say I achieved all of these !!
Please pop back on Tuesday as there is some exciting new regarding the new starter kit which I’m sure many of you will love.
To find out more about becoming an Independent Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator, please give me a call on 01366 728407 or 07806 616704 and I will be pleased to answer any questions you may have.
It was lovely to see another packed class today at my regular bi-monthly class with my long standing friends at AJ’s in Stamford. We have been trying to work out how long I have been instructing classes for Alan & Jean. When they were Manager and Sales Assistant in the craft department at Denny in Bury St Edmunds - it must be over 6yrs now.
Instructing Stampin’ Up! craft classes here bi-monthly, they get to choose which of my monthly classes either side of their month, they wish to do.
So, with class theme of 'Whiter Than White', it was just as the title suggests, using a wide variety of 'white' materials in the current Stampin' Up! Catalogues. The inspiration for this class came whilst on holiday in Portugal in October 2011. I passed a shop called ‘White Linen’ and had to have a browse (as women do). Back at the apartment for an afternoon siesta, laptop and Stampin’ Up! catalogue in hand and so the class began to unfold, ready to make up when I got back home.
Today we used many different white card stock, textures and accessories to make our assortment of cards.
Unfortunately I’m only giving you one sneak peak as class also being run at Riversdale Centre THETFORD on Sunday 13th May, Moreton Hall BURY ST EDMUNDS on Saturday 26th May (SOLD OUT) and St Faiths Centre NORWICH on Sunday 27th May.
Unfortunately, the photo does not really do the project justice – in real life you can see the many different textures we have used. If you wish to see some of the projects we made, please pop back after the last one on 27th May, as I like to keep surprises for those attending.
Places are going quickly, so please phone me on 01366 728407 or 07806 616704 or email