I would like to just share with the fantastic time I had at the begining of November at Stampin' Up! European Convention.
Following on from the first European event in Frankfurt last year, it was lovely to meet up with Shelli, Eileen and other SU staff again, together with friends both old and new, at Addington Palace near London, our venue for 2010.
.When Demonstrators get together at any events, they always like to 'Inspire, Create and Share' and this means swopping card designs with each other. Here is my card design, unfortunately the photo does not do it justice but I have used the Cherry Cobler and Whisper White cardstock, Sparkling roller with Whisper White Kraft ink, Contempo Christmas stamp set with Cherry Cobler ink and Ornament punch. The bauble hangers were from Tree Trimmings, stamped in basic Black ink and the finished background was sprayed with SU Champagne shimmer paint mixed with isopropanol alcohol to create a lovely sparkle.

At the end of the event, not only were we given the dates for next years Convention on 18th and 19th November 2011 but also the announcement that the 2011 event will be held at ................ Disneyland Paris !! .The roar of excitement from the 300 Demonstrators from UK, France and Germany who attended this year, was fantastic. Everyone is so excited and many, including myself, are already planning to stay for a few days longer.
ALL Stampin' Up! Demonstrators are able to attend, so if you fancy becoming part of my team, and joining me on a trip to Disneyland next Autumn, then please contact me to find out more about becoming a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator. Whether you wish to purchase products for yourself and close friends at a discount price, whether you like to meet people and demonstrate at a few parties/workshops or whether you wish to pursue career propects within Stampin' Up!, there is always a place for you.
.Please do not be put off by thinking there may already be a demonstrator in your area. There are no territories or boundaries, as we all know different circles of friends and acquantancies and share different ideas. Remember, Stampin' Up! does not just have to be limited to your immediate local area but can be shared across the whole of the UK.

Our low cost starter kit has been reduced even further to £119 and contains over £230 of product, which you can tailor to suit yourself. With a small quarterly minimum to remain active, there really is nothing to lose. Even if you only wish to buy products for yourself, a few friends or your local craft club, there are many savings and free products to benefit from.
For those of you who attended the recent show in Bury St Edmunds, I have been busy firming up dates for the whole of 2011 which I hope to publish very shortly and mail to you. This will also include details of an Opportunity Event to find out more about benefits of becoming a Demonstrator and a Special Recruitment offer which I will be launching for January 2011.
In addition to regular classes in Thetford, Bury St Edmunds, Norwich and Stamford, I would like to hear from anyone interested in attending FREE monthly evening classes. My Stamper's 10 group in Thetford has been very popular and I am now looking to start additional groups at locations near you. Please contact me for further information.
Happy Crafting
Tel : 07806 616704 or Email to : sroberts07@btinternet.com